Center for Health
and the Global
Climate Health and Risk Tool

Photo: John Towner

Explore models by geography

geographies: King County, WA (1), Pierce County, Washington (1), Washington State (18)

King County, WA

(showing 1 of 1)
King County Washington Tree planting Priority - 2036-2065 - Hottest 3 days of each year (15 arcsecond grid) (version 5.00)for King County, WA
created 07/11/2023 by Tim Sheehan, Jeremy Hess
Unvetted, example model for tree planting priority in King County, Washington State based on heat-health risk determined using the hottest 3 days of each reporting unit over the period 1990-2020
Map image for King County Washington Tree planting Priority - 2036-2065 - Hottest 3 days of each year (15 arcsecond grid)
Pierce County, WA Heat Health Risk - 1991-2020 - Hottest 3 days of each year (15 arcsecond grid) (version 5.00)for Pierce County, Washington
created 03/22/2023 by Tim Sheehan, Alyssa Miller, Jeremy Hess
This model characterizes the most intense short-term risk by considering the hottest three days for each reporting unit in each year between 1991 and 2020 for Pierce County, WA.
Map image for Pierce County, WA Heat Health Risk - 1991-2020 - Hottest 3 days of each year (15 arcsecond grid)

Washington State

(showing 3 of 18)
WA Census Tracts Heat Health Risk - 1991-2020 - Hottest 30 days of each year (version 5.1)for Washington State
created 09/21/2023 by Tim Sheehan, Alyssa Miller, Jeremy Hess
This model characterizes the most intense long-duration risk by considering the hottest thirty days for each reporting unit in each year between 1991 and 2020.
Map image for WA Census Tracts Heat Health Risk - 1991-2020 - Hottest 30 days of each year
WA Census Tracts Heat Health Risk - 1991-2020 - Hottest 3 days of each year (version 5.1)for Washington State
created 09/21/2023 by Tim Sheehan, Alyssa Miller, Jeremy Hess
This model characterizes the most intense short-term risk by considering the hottest three days for each reporting unit in each year between 1991 and 2020.
Map image for WA Census Tracts Heat Health Risk - 1991-2020 - Hottest 3 days of each year
WA Census Tracts Heat Health Risk - 2021-06-28 (version 5.1)for Washington State
created 09/21/2023 by Tim Sheehan, Alyssa Miller, Jeremy Hess
This model characterizes daily heat health risk on June 28, 2021 during the heat dome event.
Map image for WA Census Tracts Heat Health Risk - 2021-06-28
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